Embrace — Wellbeing in architecture

Embrace — Wellbeing in architecture

BAUX searched for eight students from the Nordic countries to work on a specific brief for their stand at Stockholm Furniture Fair 2023. I sent in an application with a portfolio and got chosen to participate.

Embrace —

Embrace focuses on social connections, healing, and wellbeing. The design explores the boundaries between private and public, using colour, form, light and acoustics to create a space that is functional, playful and stimulating.

Element of surprise —

Curved walls have been used to help the space flow, creating a sense of surprise, openness and connection throughout the public areas. The curves add a playful element to the design whilst ensuring that light flows throughout the space. Large curved windows allow sunlight to filter into the building during all daylight hours of the day. The use of colour denotes the boundaries between private and public spaces.

Sound absorbtion —

BAUX acoustic materials have been used throughout the space to create a calm and comfortable interior, free from background noise and distractions, so visitors and patients can enjoy privacy and social interaction on their path to better health.